Thursday, March 10, 2011

Once Upon A Time...

"I do my thing, and you do your thing. I am not in this world to live up to your expectations, and you are not in this world to live up to mine. You are you, and I am I, and if by chance we find each other, it's beautiful." -Frederick E. Perl

Once again, I've found myself, staring here at my computer screen, wracking my brain for something to write about. This marks my first blog ever, and I'm not sure how I should do this. I do know, however, I will try not to write to please you. I will only write to please myself. Hold me to that.

This first post will honestly be a little boring. I feel like you should get to know me a little better before you can truly understand my future posts.

So here are some of my favorite things:

1. Armageddon
2. Sperrys
3. Summer
4. Tigers
5. Jeremy McKinnon, lead singer of A Day to Remember. He actually represents a lot of my favorite things. Him, his band, tattoos, piercings, and guys with facial hair.

I'm totally indecisive. I hate having too many choices on things, for example, the layout for my blog. The background, the color scheme, the font; I will probably change all of it a million times throughout my blogging. It seems I am never truly content.

I'll try to keep you all updated every Thursday on what's been going on in my ol' noggin, but no promises. Like you care right?

Well, I'm away laughing on a fast camel!
Love always,

P.S. That is only my middle name. Maybe one day you'll get my first. :)